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Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreaks from Showerheads and Sink Faucets

If you or a loved one has contracted Legionnaires’ Disease from a showerhead or sink faucet, please contact the New York City Legionnaires’ Disease lawyers at The Lange Law Firm, PLLC today. You may be eligible for significant compensation from any liable parties.

When we use public facilities such as those in a hotel or gym, we expect everything to be fairly clean and free of disease. Unfortunately, sometimes these properties fail to properly maintain their facilities such as showerheads and sink faucets. This can cause serious outbreaks of illnesses, including Legionnaires’ Disease.

Why is Legionnaires’ Disease in Showerheads and Sink Faucets?

The Legionella bacteria that cause Legionnaires’ Disease can often be found in showerheads and sink faucets that have not been used in many days. This is because any water that builds up in these fixtures can remain stagnant if they are not used – optimal conditions for the overgrowth of Legionella.

While this may not be a problem in home fixtures, it may be an issue in those in hotels, stores, and gyms – especially if they have not been turned on for days or not properly cleaned. This is especially true if these fixtures are not metal; non-metal surfaces tend to promote greater growth of Legionella.

It is also important to note that people can be infected by Legionella from inhaling water vapor. This is why contaminated showerheads may pose a risk – even if you are not directly under a shower, you may catch Legionnaires’ Disease from the resultant steam.

Who is Liable for Legionnaires’ Disease in Showerheads and Sink Faucets?

In cases where public showerheads and/or sink faucets cause a Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak, those who are tasked with maintaining the appropriate premises may be held fully liable for you any resultant damages. Legionnaires’ Disease is a completely preventable disease that can be preemptively solved by routine cleaning and maintenance. If any party tasked with maintaining showerheads and sink faucets fails to do so, they may be exercising negligence – and therefore may be liable for any outbreaks that occur.

Why Do You Need a Lawyer?

Legionnaires’ Disease is a severe form of pneumonia that is caused by infection from the Legionella bacteria. This disease usually starts with flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, muscle aches) before progressing into severe pneumonia: cough, chest pain, shortness of breath.

Legionnaires’ Disease is not always fatal, but may still require hospitalization and monitoring for any complications after recovery – especially since it tends to infect those who are at a higher health risk group, such as elderly and immuno-compromised people.

If you have contracted Legionnaires’ Disease and are considering filing a Legionnaires’ Disease lawsuit for damages, it is highly recommended to consult a lawyer before proceeding with a claim. If you are still suffering from the disease, it can be difficult to undergo much of the legal work. An attorney can take care of all the legal work on your behalf so that you can focus on healing and recovery.

Additionally, a lawyer can negotiate on your behalf with any liable parties to ensure you receive the maximum possible compensation for your needs. Some liable parties may attempt to offer you a quick settlement that is far lower than what you need to make a full recovery. Retaining a lawyer will ensure that you do not receive a lowball offer, and instead fight for the compensation that is necessary for you.

Ultimately, a lawyer gives you peace of mind throughout the legal process, serving as trusted counsel that can advise you of the best options throughout your claim – and execute these options in an efficient, knowledgeable way.

Contact Us Today

The Lange Law Firm, PLLC is a personal injury law firm committed to assisting clients who have been a victim of Legionnaires’ Disease outbreaks.

  • We have over 15 years of experience successfully representing clients who have been hurt by contaminated food and water sources.
  • We have a reputation for success, recovering tens of millions of dollars on behalf of our clients.
  • Our team is committed to your well-being, ensuring that all of our litigation and counsel goes toward your safety and health.
  • We represent clients on a contingency fee arrangement – there are no initial costs, and you only pay legal fees if we secure a verdict or settlement on your behalf. If we don’t win, you don’t pay.

If you or a loved one has contracted Legionnaires’ Disease from a contaminated showerhead or sink faucet, please contact us immediately to discuss your case. Our Legionnaires’ Disease attorneys are here to help you through this difficult time – and ensure that any liable parties are held accountable for their negligence.

Schedule a free consultation with us today and see how we can help you.