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Food Safety

Perchlorate Found in Various Food Products

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 17, 2024

No one wants to think that a common chemical found in rocket fuel would also be found in various foods that we possibly consume every day, especially foods our children consume but recently it was determined that perchlorate which is… read more

Pressure Cooking Versus Pressure Canning

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 14, 2024

With garden season booming in most areas and people bringing more produce inside than they know what to do with people start to look for creative ways to preserve their summer and early fall harvests. Today we look at the… read more

Fall Food Safety Tips

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 13, 2024

We are about the enter the favorite time of year for so many people. I am personally here for every bit of fall after it seems that summer was miserably hot this year. Summer 2024 just seemed to fly by… read more

Camp Fire Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 11, 2024

The time of the year is here! Camp fires on cool evenings, sweater and hoodie weather, bowls of chili, football, what a time to be alive! I am the first one on board with last minute calling some family and… read more

Food Safety for Dorm Rooms

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 10, 2024

With college classes starting and many kids leaving home for the first time it is so important to remember food safety for dorm rooms. Even returning students can always use a refresher on how to avoid foodborne illness especially away… read more

Lead in Cocoa Puffs Spotlights Concerns in Children’s Breakfast Cereal

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 8, 2024

Recent news of high levels of lead in Cocoa Puffs cereal, a popular brand often advertised during children’s programing, spotlights concerns over the safety of children’s breakfast cereal. How has this gone unchecked? How much lead are we talking about?… read more

Illegal Street Vendors in Maricopa County Sicken At Least 17 People, County Warns Public and Initiates Legal Action

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | September 4, 2024

Illegal street vendors in Maricopa County are responsible for at least 17 illnesses of food poisoning, says Maricopa County Environmental Services Department. In response to uncooperative street vendors, the County determined that “public outreach is necessary to reduce the risk… read more

New FDA Import Alerts Published This Week

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 4, 2024

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published several new FDA Import Alerts this week. Rounding out a busy month for this department. As of August 26, 2024, 38 Import Alerts have been updated for food and drug products…. read more

FDA Warning Letter Issued to P&L Sprout Farm Highlights Bean Sprout Risks

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 4, 2024

Bean sprout risks are often overlooked. Stir fried, in salads, or on sandwiches. This crunchy addition to a meal may pose more risk than you realize. A recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Warning Letter issued to P&L Sprout… read more

E.coli Found in Raw Milk in Lancaster PA

E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog | September 2, 2024

Raw milk contaminated with E.coli bacteria has been found at 14 stores in Lancaster County and southcentral Pennsylvania and should be thrown away immediately, according to the state’s Department of Agriculture. Milk sold between Aug. 5 to 12 by Leola-based Meadow View Jerseys has been found to be contaminated with the… read more