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Our Blog

Can Drinking Alcohol Prevent Food Poisoning?

Food Safety,Our Blog | October 21, 2024

Many people enjoy having a drink with dinner or at a special event. Many people believe alcohol prevents food poisoning. Today we look at the bigger picture: can drinking alcohol prevent food poisoning? First lets find out what exactly food… read more

Be On the Lookout for Illicit Cannabis Products Marketed as Children’s Candy This Halloween. Over 2.2 Million Products Seized in California.

Our Blog | October 20, 2024

Illicit cannabis products with packages easily confused as children’s products may be in circulation this Halloween. In fact, over 2.2 million products were seized in California in early fall. Intercepting these illicit cannabis products just in time for the candy… read more

What is a Cottage Bakery?

Our Blog | October 19, 2024

Since the pandemic farm stands filled with lovely baked goods have been popping up everywhere. People scoured the marketplace looking for home baked items and many people started to bake even some after having little to no kitchen experience. With… read more

National Food Safety Month

Food Safety,Our Blog | October 18, 2024

National Food Safety Month is coming to a quick end but here at Make Food Safe we feel that you should participate in these practices every day of the year (even on Leap Day!) and wanted to share some reminders… read more

The Risks of Drinking Apple Cider

Food Safety,Our Blog | October 18, 2024

Apple season is here! We know people who draw the line between either liking pumpkin spice of apple cider and my goodness the social media arguments I have seen over those. Before you consume the warm and festive fall favorite… read more

How Often Are Salmonella Outbreaks Caused by Food Workers and How Exactly Does It Happen?

Our Blog,Salmonella | October 17, 2024

With restaurant Salmonella outbreaks hitting the news lately, a common question keeps popping up. How often are Salmonella outbreaks caused by food workers and how exactly does it happen? The answer is simple, yet scary. According to a study published… read more

How Often is Shigella Infection Spread by Food Workers and How Exactly Does It Happen?

Our Blog,Shigella | October 16, 2024

How often is Shigella infection spread by food workers and how exactly does it happen? A question many are pondering as the numbers of Shigella cases are rising in certain parts of the country. While specific statistical analysis of this… read more

Food Safety During Power Outages

Food Safety,Our Blog | October 13, 2024

With the recent storms that have absolutely ravaged the Southern United States its so important to remember food safety during power outages. Food spoilage happens a lot faster than some people realize and the last thing anyone needs is to… read more

Undercooked Bear Meat Leads to Sickness

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | October 10, 2024

After a year long investigation it has been found that undercooked bear meat leads to sickness. We often hear about people becoming ill from undercooked meats but we assume that it is the normal grocery store varieties of beef, pork,… read more

Is Boar’s Head Deli Meat Safe to Eat?

Listeria,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | October 9, 2024

A recent and ongoing Listeria outbreak linked to a famed and renowned producer has people wondering, is Boar’s Head deli meat safe to eat? Known for its quality, consumers were shocked to discover the conditions of the plant exposed in… read more